Tuesday, June 7, 2011

[MSG] Seungho's Cafe Message

Title: 안녕하십니까

오랜만에 공카에 글을 쓰네요..ㅎ

항상 블랙이들 데이에는 해외에 나와있는 느낌은 저만 나는 건가요...

어느덧 벌써 대뷔를 하고 600일이라는 시간이 지나고 있네요..

지금까지 항상 옆에서 응원해주시고 이뻐해주셔서 너무 너무 감사드립니다!

항상 변하지 않는 엠블랙 될꺼니까 계속 이뻐해주시구요!!

엠블랙 첫 솔로 디지털싱글앨범 지오곡도 많이 사랑해주시고 이뻐해주시길 바랍니당!

또!!!! 엠블랙 앨범도 곧 나가는거 알고 계시죠? ㅎ 완전 열심히 멋진 모습 보여드리려고

노력 또 노력하고 있으니까 요것도 많은 관심과 기대해주세용!

ps: 날씨가 더워지니 차가운 음식 많이들 드실텐데 배탈 조심하시고~ ㅎ

600일 !!!!!! 경축!!!!!! 6000일 ...60000일.... 죽을때까지 항상 여러분 곁에 있는 엠블랙 될께요~ ㅎ
이상 오사카에 나와있는 엠블랙 리더 승호였음당..^^

Seungho's Cafe Entry
Title: Hello there...

It's been a while since I've written in the cafe...hehe

I wonder why us Blaqqies are always overseas during special days like this..

It has already become our 600th day anniversary...

Thank you so much for always supporting us and staying by our side!

We will always be the unchanging MBLAQ so please keep supporting us!!!

Please support MBLAQ's first solo member G.O. with his upcoming digital single!

And!!!! You guys know that MBLAQ's new album is coming out soon right? Hehe were working very hard to

show you guys an awesome side of us, so please anticipate us!

P.s. Since the weather is getting hotter, be careful that you don't get sick from eating too much cold foods~ hehe

600th day !!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!! 6000th day... 60000th day... We will become the MBLAQ that will be by your side until the day we die~ hehe
This has been MBLAQ's leader Seungho who is in Osaka...^^

TRANSLATION: -lovelyjoonie@AbsoluteMBLAQ

As usual, our considerate Leader Yang ^^

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait til you guys have your comebacks!!! xDDDDDD I'll always support MBLAQ~ MBLAQ is one of my #1 on my list! (I have 2 number 1 kekekekekeke) But I'll support you all equally!! ^0^ Keep on fighting! We-A+ will always be by your side~~ x)))

    -Bonus :]]]
