Thursday, May 5, 2011

[MSG] SeungHo’s Cafe Message

안녕하십니까!!! 양리더 입니다..
너무 오랜만에 공카에 글을 남기네요..ㅠㅠ 죄송합니다..
그간 너무 정신이 없었어용~~ 일본준비에 스캐쥴에!! 나름 최선을 다했으니..
이쁘게 봐주시고 용서를…..후후…
지금 여기는 훗카이도에 한 호텔입니다… 호텔 이름은 비밀입니다.. ㅎㅎ
5월 1일 일본에 입국해서 오랜 시간이 지난거 같은데 이제 5일이네요…?
어린이날……… 이겠네요 한국은….ㅎ 여기 일본도 1주일 동안 휴일이랍니다..
엠블랙만 빼고.. ㅋㅋㅋ
아무튼 오늘 오리콘 차트 1위를 하였습니다!!!!!
정말 한국 일본 등등등 a+ 여러분들 너무너무 감사드리구요~~~
주간 1등 목표로 하고 있으니까 많이 응원해주시구요!!
멋진모습으로 한국에서 봐요!!
황사 조심하시구요!! 감기조심하시구!!!
이상 어제 막 대뷔한 신인가수 엠블랙 리더 승호였습니다!
다들 안녕히 주무세용~~ 뿅!
It’s MBLAQ leader Seungho

Hello!!! It’s Yang Leader..
I’m leaving an entry on the official café after such a long time..ㅠㅠ I’m sorry..
During the time it was really hectic~~ Preparing for Japan and schedules!! Because I tried my best..
Please watch over me prettily and forgive…..hoo hoo…
Right now I’m at a hotel in Hokkaido… The hotel’s name is a secret.. hehe
After arriving on May 1st if seems that a lot of time has passed but it’s only been now 5 days…?
Children’s day……… should be in Korea….he Here in Japan it is also a week of holiday..
Except MBLAQ.. ke ke ke
Anyways we got 1st place on the Oricon chart today!!!!!
Really Korean Japanese etc etc etc a+ everyone thank you very very much~~~
And for the time being because we have 1st place as our goal please encourage us a lot!!
We will see you guys in Korea with a cool side!!
Be careful of yello dust!! Be careful of the cold/flu!!!
It’s been newbie singer who has just debuted MBLAQ leader Seungho!
Every goodnight~~ bbyong!

TRANSLATION: mir-ified@AbsoluteMBLAQ
ABM blog post by liliceprincess @ AbsoluteMBLAQ

Hannah's comment: awwww YSH is so sweet and thoughtful..Im loving him more and more.. to YSH please do not worry, A+ around the world will always support MBLAQ..

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