Thursday, September 15, 2011

[MSG] Seungho’s Cafe Message - 15th Sept 2011

Title : 안녕하십니까? 
안녕하십니까!!! 리다 승호입니다!!! 드디어 엠블랙과 A+ 가 700일이라는 시간을 함께 했네요?
ㅎㅎ 아직 앞으로 갈날이 멀었지만!! 그리고 항상 느끼는 거지만 A+여러분이 안계셨다면~
지금의 엠블랙은 없을꺼에용~ 후후후훗 다들 추석은 잘 지내셨는지요~ 추석 특집으로
공카 채팅을 하면서 함께 추석을 보낸 분들도 계실텐데 어떠셨는지요~~
오늘 멤버 2명을 페루에 보내 아빠의 마음으로 살짝 걱정이 되네요~ 고산지대에 가서
집짓고 있을 아들들을 생각하니…ㅠㅠ 그래도 좋은일 하러 갔으니까 자랑스럽습니당~ ㅎㅎ
다치지 말고 무사 귀환 했으면 좋겠구요 남아있는 멤버들도 건강 잘 챙기고 스캐쥴 열심히
할껍니당~ ㅎㅎ
이제곧 가을이 오는데 환절기에 낮밤 기온차가 심해질듯하오니~~
걸칠것 챙겨서 다니시구요~~ 감기 조심하시길 바랍니다~!!
7백일이 7만일이 될때까지 변함없이 열심히 최선을 다하는 그룹 엠블랙이 되겠습니당~~ ㅎ
그럼 안뇽~~ 빠이~ ㅎㅎ 
Title : PS: 아!! 오늘 옆사올리신분 그동안 즐거웠어요^^(내용x) 
Title : Hello? 
Hello!!! It’s leader, Seungho!!! At last, MBLAQ & A+ have spent 700 days together.
haha But we still have many days in the future!!
And I always feel that the present MBLAQ would not exist ~ if A+ fans were not in existence ~ hoohoohoohoot
Did all of you have a good Chuseok~? How were your feeling, who spent Chuseok with me chatting in the fancafe~~?
I’m worring a bit with papa’s mind about sending our two members to Peru ~
Thinking about my sons constructing many houses in alpine regions…ㅠㅠ
But I’m proud of them because they went there for worthwhile works ~ haha
I hope that they will return safely without any injury.
Other members will take good care and do our schedules hard ~ haha
Now, it’ll be autumn here soon,
so it seems that the temperature will fluctuate considerably from day to night in the season’s change ~~
Please carry around a jacket whenever you are out ~~
I hope that you’ll be careful not to catch a cold ~!!
We’ll become the group, MBLAQ who will do our best hard without any change until 700 days wiil become 70000 days ~~ ha
Your truly, Good night~~ Bye~ haha 
Title : P.S. : Ah!! The fans who posted my weird photos today, it’s been pleased for a while^^ (Empty)

Hannah's comment: Awww~~~ YSH is so sweeeet~~~

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